Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Assignment #3

1.  Every morning I fix my bottle of water for school.  I always add flavoring to it depending on what I am in the mood for.  Some days it is red and other days it is purple.  I pour the powder into my bottle of water and let it slowly trickle down to the bottom.  The water slowly starts to change colors and swirls to the bottom.  I then shake the bottle and it looks like a swirling tornado and the water changes color completely. 

2. When listening to the song “Nessum Dorma” I felt several different emotions.  At first the music made me think of a ballet with the dances spinning in circles across the stage.  The music also made you feel the emotion of love and sadness. The music made you feel like he lost someone that was really important to him.

3. An establishing shot in a movie is the shot that happens at the beginning of the movie.  The purpose of it is to grab the viewer’s attention.  This shot shows different locations and characters.  It sets the mood for the entire movie. 

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